Website Update - Edit study details

February 2, 2015

The Registered Study pages have been updated and enhanced and you now have the ability to edit your study.

One of the enhancements is that each study now has its own page. As a result you can refer non-members to your study page on the society website. The url you refer them to is Replace your-registered-study-name with your own study name in LOWERCASE like this

The other enhancement is that you can now edit your study. I have done a short video about how to do this and it is on the societies channel at

It is best watched on the link full screen rather than in the small window here.

You now have a wysiwyg editor available for the 'about your study' section, more options are available if you click the icon immediately to the left of the 'Font Family' dropdown option in the toolbar.

You can also have more than one website url now displayed as part of your study page. Ensure that there is only 1 space between each of the url's and also include http:// as the beginning of the url.

To edit your study go to the Members Only menu option and then select Edit Study.

Please ensure that you save your study BEFORE previewing any changes.

The Studies List page is now enhanced and the pagination works correctly.

My thanks to those members who helped testing the functionality.

There is one small problem with this new facility that I am working to fix and that is where more than one member has a study name registered only the first study page is shown. I hope to have this fix available in the next few days.

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