The Surname Society

The Surname Society was founded as a not-for-profit entity by a worldwide group of experienced genealogists. The vision of the Society is to connect like-minded people by providing up-to-date facilities which enable members to share knowledge, data and good practice with others regardless of where in the world they are. The Society is entirely online and focusses on single surname studies to meet the needs of researchers in the world of family history and genealogy as it evolves in the 21st century. [Read more..]

What is a surname study?

A surname study is much more than a family pedigree which only researches the ancestors and descendants of one individual. Studying a surname in depth, many individuals, groups and associations choose to collect all references to a surname on either a global or limited basis. Studies could be restricted to a particular country, or a state, county or region within a country. [Read more..]

Latest study registrations: Crawley, Teear, Elderfield, Camberg, Allis.

Contact Us
The Surname Society
c/o Wiltshire Museum
41 Long Street, Devizes
Wiltshire, SN10 1NS
United Kingdom
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